No, there are differences between what each Insurance Company covers. There are coverages that some companies offer and others do not. Each insurer establishes its coverage according to the studied claims.
No. Life insurance is not only bought with money but also with health. There are people who suffer from some diseases and because of this the premium can be reloaded or the request can be postponed or even rejected.
Yes. There are insurance companies in the market that provide coverage after 2 years of birth to children; as long as the insurability requirements are met.
No, there are differences in insurance contracts and these differences can mean that you stop charging in countless situations.
No, coverage in private cars is broader than in commercial ones, for example: commercial cars do not cover the risks of glass breakage, damage due to badness, public disorder or partial theft in the car. In addition, the deductibles are higher and even, there may be deductibles in damage to the property of others.
No, what exists is the obligation to insure the vehicles.
If there were compulsory insurance, the clauses of the auto policies of the different Insurance Companies would have to be the same. With the current law, it is obliged to insure the vehicle, however the clauses established in the auto insurance contracts of each Insurance Company prevail and these clauses may be different between each company and not necessarily cover the same things.
Inform the traffic of the accident. Notify your insurance broker about the accident. Inform Road Assistance (depending on your insurance policy). Do not move the vehicle until directed by the traffic officer. The traffic numbers are: 232-6845 ó 232-5614.
Your driver's license A cell phone to be contacted Updated photocopy of your policy. The location of the accident.
epending on the insurer with which you keep your policy, the phones may vary. Below is a list of the companies most used by us: Interoceánica de Seguros (Panama assistance): 214-4175, ASSA (Assa Móvil): 300-2424, Aseguradora Mundial (Worldwide Assistance): 390-9090 / 800-9090. Provide the number of your policy, a cell number to which you can be located and the address where the accident is located.
At the time of presenting the accident claim to the insurer, request legal assistance. It will be provided free of charge if your policy so stipulates.

Telephones: 260-7163 / 260-7164 / 260-5662   Fax:260-2408
Whatsapp 6612-0720   coenssa
Regulado y Supervisado por la Superintendencia de Seguros y Reaseguros de Panamá
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