Our History
Corredores en Seguros, S.A. was born on July 22, 2003 from the idea of its founder, Mr. Ezequiel Vargas Garrido, to create an insurance portfolio management company.
Not being able to realize this idea, it was transformed into a firm of Insurance brokers, which has the experience of Mr. Vargas who has served as a broker since 1974 and has been president of the 2 most important guilds in this field: the Colegio Nacional de Productores de Seguros (CONALPROSE) and the Cámara Panameña de Empresas de Corretaje de Seguros (CAPECOSE).
Our brokers
Ezequiel Vargas Garrido. He has more than 38 years of experience in the insurance branch. He has been president of the Colegio Nacional de Productores de Seguros, the Cámara Panameña de Empresas de Corretaje de Seguros (COPAPROSE), ex-representant of the Confederación Panamericana de Productores de Seguros para el área Centroamérica Sur.
Ezequiel Vargas Ching. Systems Engineer and Insurance Broker. He currently holds the position of President of the company and additionally is responsible for the technological innovations of the company.
Diabileth Serrano. Bachelor in Business Administration with Post-Graduate in High Management and Master in Marketing, began to be part of our sales force since 2005, placing insurance companies important policies.
Our work team
Migdalia Márquez:
Gabriel Lasso:
Katherin Núñez:
Or you can write us at
Elider Aguirre
What makes us different?
The speed with which we issue the policies we offer. We can issue life and car policies in less than 30 minutes, depending on the case. The dedication and details with which we attend each case, whether for a new insurance proposal, as for a claim or a query.

Telephones: 260-7163 / 260-7164 / 260-5662   Fax:260-2408
Whatsapp 6612-0720   coenssa
Regulado y Supervisado por la Superintendencia de Seguros y Reaseguros de Panamá
© COENSSA 2018 Powered by Macrotech